This has been a tremendously rewarding year for STORY, and it's all your fault.
To all of you who have been trusting my guidance and methodology, thank you!
In September we began a special journey and I wasn't sure where it would lead us. I have always coached individuals and trained groups, but this time around was a mix of both: in-depth coaching, which requires trust and vulnerability, and training, which requires discipline and dedication.
I could not wish for better people to participate in this first cohort. Those women are incredible! I learned so much from them and they learned so much from each other!
That group endorsed my decision: STORY DevX is here to stay. And we'll have a new group in 2024 for sure.
In the meantime, I will give an intensive session on storytelling in December, and I really think you should not miss it! Come spend 2 hours with me and I will help you deal with your modesty and the imposter phenomenon, as these are two things that might be blocking you and preventing your growth.
If you want to learn more about it, watch my YouTube Video. (By the way, did you see how my subscribers' number increased? From 1,200 in September to 27,000 in November!!!)
And to sign up for the 2-hour intensive session, just click here.

Here are some of the incredible ladies that attended STORY DevX Cohort #1. Among them there were 6 job offerings, 2 talks successfully delivered, and 1 new role created. HUGE SUCCESS!